- 1. A
Medications that decrease the constriction of blood vessels allowing better blood flow to the kidneys and decreased blood pressure.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 101 Times - 2. ACGME (ACCREDITATION COUNCIL FOR GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION)
A non-profit private council that evaluates and accredits medical residency and internship programs. The ACGME currently oversees the post-graduate education and training for all MD and the majority of DO physicians in the United States.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 147 Times - 3. ADE (ADVERSE DRUG EVENT)
An injury resulting in the use of a drug. ADE's may result from medication errors, but most do not.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 91 Times - 4. ADR (ADVERSE DRUG REACTION)
Harm directly caused by the drug at normal doses, during normal use. Non-preventable ADEs.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 87 Times - 5. AE (ADVERSE EVENT)
Any negative patient events that are expressed as symptoms, signs or laboratory abnormalities.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 60 Times - 6. AHRQ (AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH AND QUALITY)
A part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, which supports research and is designed to improve the outcomes and quality of healthcare. Additionally, the organization seeks to reduce costs, address patient safety and medical errors and broaden access to effective services. The AHRQ conducts and sponsors research, which helps people make more informed decisions and improve the quality of healthcare services.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 76 Times - 7. ALLOGENIC
Used in transplantation denoting tissue, particularly stem cells, from either bone marrow or peripheral blood, that are from the same species, but antigenically distinct.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 83 Times - 8. ALOS (AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY)
A common statistic associated with the time patients are in a hospital bed. The total number of patient days, divided by the number of admissions and discharges during a specific period of time, which results in an average number of days in the hospital for each person admitted.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 156 Times - 9. AMI (ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION)
Commonly referred to as a "heart attack." Caused by a blockage in a blood vessel to the heart muscle. When blood flow is blocked, the heart muscle can die or be damaged, causing the heart to pump less well. There are evidence-based care interventions and best practices for managing AMI symptoms and for treating AMI, that are measured and reported to CMS.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 106 Times - 10. ANALYTICS
Information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 77 Times - 11. ANTIGEN
A substance that, when introduced into the body, stimulates the production of an antibody. Antigens include toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the cells of transplanted organs.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 103 Times - 12. ATTENDING PHYSICIAN
The physician assigned to oversee and coordinate the team caring for a patient during hospitalization. In teaching facilities, the attending also supervises and educates physicians-in-training, such as interns, residents, and fellows.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 92 Times - 13. AUTOLOGOUS
Used in transplantation; cells or tissues obtained from the same individual.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes / NoViewed 69 Times - 14. AVOIDABLE DELAYS
Any part of a patient day in the hospital during which either care is not delivered in a timely fashion or when acute hospital services are not needed or could have been safely/appropriately performed in an alternate setting, such as outpatient.
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